Nádych pre lásku (Breathe)
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P.S. Milujem ťa (P.S. I Love You)
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Dobrý ročník (A Good Year)
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Pýcha a predsudok (Pride & Prejudice)
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Pod toskánskym slnkom (Under the Tuscan Sun)
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Návrh (The Proposal)
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Prázdniny (The Holiday)
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Láska nebeská (Love Actually)
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Hriešny tanec (Dirty Dancing)
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Osobný strážca (The Bodyguard)
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Ľadové ostrie (The Cutting Edge)
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Jedz, modli sa, miluj (Eat, Pray, Love)
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Sex v meste (Sex and the City). Zhodneme sa, že všetky časti sú naše srdcovky, však?
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