Camilla a princ CharlesREUTERS

Vojvodkyňa a ''večná milenka'' Camilla oslávila 72 rokov. Pozrite sa, ako vyzerala kedysi a dnes

19.07.2019, 13:00
Kráľovská rodina
Milovaná a zároveň nenávidená členka kráľovskej rodiny v stredu oslávila 72 rokov.

Vojvodkyňa Camilla, vlastným menom Camilla Shand, bola s kráľovskou rodinou spätá ešte predtým, ako princ Charles spoznal Dianu. Kráľovnej Alžbete sa však životný štýl Camilly nepáčil, a tak mohol jej starší syn na svadbu so svojou milovanou zabudnúť. On však nezabudol ani počas manželstva s inou ženou. 

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Miss Camilla Shand was born 72 years ago today. Against the odds, she has become consort of the Prince of Wales, Duchess, HRH, GCVO and Privy Counsellor and, at least in the eyes of her husband, his saviour. Her life has been a remarkable canter. It also reinforces, time and again, what a small island Her Majesty’s United Kingdom is. Camilla’s mother had the same obstetrician and nurse as the Queen when she was delivered of Prince Charles sixteen months later. It could be said that the same pair of hands introduced both of them to the world. Camilla grew up in an old rectory in East Sussex and described her childhood as ‘perfect in every way’. Some have called it ‘an Enid Blyton sort of childhood’, casting Camilla as George – an Arcadian playground of pony clubs, fox hunts and decorous parties; but as Gyles Brandreth says in his exhaustive, exhausting Charles and Camilla (2005), Blyton’s Famous Five were ‘essentially middle-class children, the Shands, without question, belonged to the upper class.’ Camilla was the eldest daughter of Major Bruce Shand and the Hon. Rosalind Cubitt. The Major had won the Military Cross twice, was a Master of Foxhounds and a successful wine merchant. Brandreth described him as ‘almost a caricature of his kind – Denis Thatcher meets Osbert Lancaster, with just a pinch of Captain Mainwaring.’ Rosalind was the daughter of 3rd Baron Ashcombe, a descendant of Tom Cubbitt, the foremost builder of his time, while her mother, Sonia, was the daughter of Alice Keppel, Edward VII’s, ‘La Favorita’, last and favourite mistress. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Tina Brown claims, in her irresistibly quotable The Diana Chronicles (2007) that “If you slapped an Edwardian-style picture hat on the head of Camilla Parker Bowles you would be struck by her resemblance to Prince Charles’s adored nanny, Mabel Anderson.” But others consider that in looks, manner and habits Camilla is remarkably like her great-grandmother, Alice Keppel. It was said of Alice and the King, She was entertaining when he was bored, patient when he was cantankerous, sympathetic when he was ill, unobtrusive when he appeared in public.’ #duchessofcornwall

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Mark McGinness Writes (@markmcginnesswrites),

Práve princezná Diana otvorila na verejnosti debatu o tom, že ju v skutočnosti britský panovník nikdy nemiloval. Dôvodom mala byť samotná Camilla. Tá s ním volala už počas svadobnej noci. ,,Stále som bola preňho tou druhou,'' priznala Diana.

Po jej smrti sa to Camille predsa podarilo a dvojica, ktorá sa miluje už od tínedžerského veku, svoj vzťah oficiálne spečatila. Láska medzi ňou a princom trvá už takmer 50 rokov a zdá sa, že radosť ich neopúšťa ani v pokročilom veku.



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Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa ⚡️Duchess Of Cornwall News ⚡️ (@duchessofcornwallnews),

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