
Takto vyzerali rodičia Fredieho Mercuryho. Na koho sa slávny spevák viac podobal?

10.06.2020, 20:00
To, ako vyzerala hudobná legenda a frontman skupiny Queen vie dnes nepochybne každý. Vedeli ste však ako v skutočnosti vyzerali jeho rodičia?

Freddie Mercury síce mal britské občianstvo, no nenarodil sa v Anglicku. Jeho indickí rodičia, Jer a Bomi Bulsara, sa obaja narodili v Gudžaráte. Ich prvé a najstaršie dieťa, Freddie Mercury, sa narodil na pobreži Afriky, konkrétne v Zanzibare, kde sa manželia presťahovali kvôli práci otca. K chlapcovi, ktorý dostal pri narodení meno Farrokh Bulsara, o deväť rokov pribudla aj sestra Kashmira.

Keď mal Freddie približne 17 rokov, v Zanzibare začala zúriť revolúcia. Počas nej bolo zabitých mnoho osôb arabského, ale aj indického pôvodu, a tak sa rodina rozhodla emigrovať do Veľkej Británie. Keďže otec speváka pracoval ako pokladník na britských koloniálnych úradoch, nebol to veľký problém. Presťahovali sa do útleho domu v Middlesexe. Práve to bol jeden z prvých krokov, ktoré Freddiemu otvorili dvere do veľkého sveta šoubiznisu.

Rodičia Freddieho Mercuryho:

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Freddie Mercury's parents, Bomi and Jer Bulsara on their wedding day, 1946. Repost via @lostinhistorypics

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Jennifer S. White (@jenniferswhite),

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. ▶️The late Jer Bulsara, Freddie's mum, always talked so proudly about her son: "When he finished his studies I asked him: 'What are you going to do, son?', and he said he didn't know. I remember him filling out application forms for jobs and saying, 'I hope I don't get it'. Most of our family are lawyers or accountants, but Freddie insisted he wasn't clever enough and wanted to play music and sing. I felt particularly sad when he decided to leave home and move to a flat in west London. He was always playing music and an elderly neighbour complained about the noise so he said it was time to go. I remember one day he was watching Elvis Presley on TV and he said: 'I'm going to be like him one day'. After he passed, l was watching the Olympic closing ceremony when my boy's image suddenly appeared on a screen and I just I cried out, I miss him so much. They showed John Lennon too, but there was much more applause for my Freddie', she says with a big, cheeky smile". . . . . . . . #freddiemercury#farrokhbulsara#jerbulsara#queen#queenband#rock#rockstar#mercury#forever#freddiefriday#friday#legend#happyfreddiefriday#70s#80s

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Freddie Mercury (@mercury_mylove),

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Oggi è il compleanno di #BomiBulsara. Il papà di Freddie avrebbe compiuto 111 anni

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Queen Forever Blog (Andrea) ?? (@queenforeverblog_andrea),


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?Kashmira's Framed Photo of Freddie? . Here's the story of Kashmira's (Freddie's sister) huge framed photograph of Freddie in her apartment on Hyde Park: The Times describe the photo as such: ✏ The late Queen frontman gazes pensively out from the frame, his hair long, bangles at his wrist, the vaguest hint of a moustache above his lips — this is Mercury in his 1970s Bohemian Rhapsody days, pre-muscle vest and skintight white jeans, before his transformation to theatrical stadium rock god was complete. . And this is why Kashmira chose this particular photo in her own words: ? “I especially chose this photograph and had it enlarged, for the apartment. Whichever angle you look at him from, his eyes follow you.This is the image I have of him when we all lived together in the family home. We always made the best of our time together. Freddie always classed London as his home, despite having properties in other parts of the world. Whenever I visited his home here, he had his own chef prepare wonderful meals, then on occasion, he would like to treat me to one of his favorite Indian restaurants. But we always had champagne to begin the evening.” . ?P.S. As you can see in the first photo Kash is standing proudly next to his brother and who can deny the resemblance? And remember how we always talk about Freddie's magnetic eyes? Well it's no surprise that even his sister is in love with that hypnotic quality of Freddie's gorgeous eyes, "eyes that follow you" everywhere...❤ . ? This is from an interview The Times did with Kashmira on March 21st 2019 . #FreddieMercury #KashmiraBulsara

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Freddie Mercury (@freddiemercuryclub),

Elementy ženy: Renáta Názlerová

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