
Posledné mesiace svojho života obetovala chorým deťom. Takáto bola Audrey Hepburn

03.10.2019, 11:00
Herečka, ktorej korene siahajú až na Slovensko, nebola len symbolom krásy a ženskosti, ale najmä dobrého srdca a lásky.

Už od mala túžila byť umelkyňou, no trochu v inej sfére. Po tom, ako však začala študovať balet pochopila, že profesionálnou tanečnicou sa zrejme nestane. Odhodlala sa tak na modeling, ktorý jej dodal dostatok sebavedomia aby odišla skúsiť šťastie do Spojených štátov. 

Európska kráska vtedy ešte nemohla tušiť, že urobila najlepšie rozhodnutie v živote. Už na prvých kastingoch zožala úspech a bola obsadená do celovečerných filmov. Za lukratívne ponuky určite mohol jej talent, no nepochybne jej dopomohol aj jej povestný ženský šarm. Toho mala Audrey na rozdávanie, a tak nečudo, že sa stala jednou z najvyhľadávanejších postáv v Hollywoode. 

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"FANTASTICALLY TWEE" | GEOFFREY MACNAB FOR INDEPENDENT | Mention Audrey Hepburn to her admirers and most will enthuse about her elfin charm and her gamine-like quality. Hepburn, who died in 1993, was one of the most loved screen actresses of her generation. There are some, though, who simply can’t abide her. Emma Thompson called her “fantastically twee” and claimed Hepburn couldn’t sing and couldn’t really act either. “Why do I hate her so?” was the headline to an article in a British newspaper when the BFI gave her a retrospective in 2004. Such vituperation proves, at least, that Hepburn still has the ability to get under people’s skins. A quarter of a century after her death, her reputation hasn’t withered in the slightest. She was dubbed “the world’s darling” by Life magazine at the very start of her career and that is what she remains. #audreyhepburn #audreyhepburnchildrensfund #ahcf

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Audrey Hepburn Children’s Fund (@audreyhepburnchildrensfund),

Herečka, ktorej stará mama pochádzala z malej dediny v okrese Topoľčany, však nikdy nepotrebovala zaujať výstrednosťou či škandálmi. Na sklonku jej života, keď jej bola diagnostikovaná rakovina, sa preto rozhodla stráviť zvyšok života pomáhaním druhým. Vo svojich posledných mesiacoch navštívila napríklad Keňu či Somálsko a zároveň sa stala veľvyslankyňu pre Unicef. ,,Starať sa o deti nemá nič s politikou. Dúfam, že namiesto toho, aby došlo k spolitizovaniu humanitárnej pomoci, dôjde k humanizácii politiky,'' predniesla na svojom príhovore predtým, než jej bola ocenená prezidentská medaila slobody. Stalo sa tak mesiac predtým, než poslednýkrát vydýchla.

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ELLEN FONTANA, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR | ABOUT US | From the moment I saw the photos of Audrey Hepburn in Somalia everything I thought I knew about her suddenly changed. No longer a movie star playing Princess Ann or Sabrina or Holly Golightly, Audrey became a “real woman” who was holding a starving child and asking the world, “Why?” Because of those photos, I understood the depth of the challenge Audrey had undertaken the last five years of her life, undeniably present in every single image. Thus, I jumped at the chance to write the content for the launch of the Fund’s first website, and later wrote two biographies on Audrey’s life and career (The Audrey Hepburn Treasures with co-author Jessica Z. Diamond and Audrey 100). I have been serving as the Fund’s Executive Director for the past 17 years and have been a part of all of the Fund’s activities including the ongoing Audrey Hepburn exhibits seen by countless fans and admirers around the world.Supporting Audrey’s humanitarian legacy continues to be an amazing experience. This is especially true when I read all the heartfelt letters that arrive from school children who marvel at her accomplishments and from those adults who beautifully express their admiration for all her work.As the Fund continues to grow we hope you will remain right here with us, perhaps even finding your own unique path, in your own personal way, to carry on Audrey’s humanitarian legacy.” Ellen Fontana has been a part of the Fund since 1999 and has served as the Executive Director from 2001 to the present. Aside from being responsible for the day to day operation of the Fund, Ellen has also authored two books on Audrey (The Audrey Hepburn Treasures with Jessica Z. Diamond and Audrey 100) and has been involved in the planning through curation stages of the Fund’s Audrey Hepburn exhibits around the world. On the personal side, Ellen is also an award winning screenwriter, writing teacher and is an ardent handcraft enthusiast. #audreyhepburn #audreyhepburnchildrensfund #ahcf #ellenfontana

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Amazing and kind Audrey Hepburn? #unicef #foreverychild #audreyhepburn #audreyhepburnchildrensfund

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Tribute to Audrey Hepburn (@lovelyyaudreyhepburn),

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A message from Ellen Fontana, Executive Director of The Audrey Hepburn Children's Fund: From it’s very beginning in 1994, the Audrey Hepburn Fund’s singular mission has been to continue Audrey’s humanitarian legacy by supporting organizations, programs and projects that improve the health, education and quality of life of children around the world. The Fund has been able to achieve this ongoing mission by partnering on exhibits around the world based on Audrey’s life and legacy, creating biographical books (a full list hereunder), raising awareness for individual children’s causes all over the globe, and initiating three Audrey Hepburn CARES Centers, state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment hospital programs for children who are suspected victims of abuse. Over the years we have also worked with UNICEF and bestowed the Audrey Hepburn Humanitarian Award to deserving Ambassadors and also to other extraordinary humanitarians who contribute their skills and knowledge to improve the lives of children everywhere. In honor of this day, the 25th year of Audrey’s passing, we would like to direct you to our new and exciting web page at so that you can take this uplifting journey of giving and growth right along with us. Thank you for your past and ongoing support, all your beautiful letters and messages and, most of all, for your continued and sincere interest in the work we continue to do in order to honor and keep Audrey’s humanitarian legacy with us always. Best wishes for a beautiful 2018! Ellen Fontana Executive Director Audrey Hepburn Children’s Fund Books That Benefit the Fund: Audrey in Rome - Luca Dotti and Ludovica Damiani Audrey at Home: Memories of My Mother’s Kitchen - Luca Dotti Audrey 100 - Ellen Fontana Audrey Hepburn Treasures - Ellen (Erwin) Fontana and Jessica Z. Diamond (Photo: Somalia, 1992 © UNICEF) #audreyhepburn #audreyhepburnchildrensfund #ahcf

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Audrey Hepburn Children’s Fund (@audreyhepburnchildrensfund),

Elementy ženy: Renáta Názlerová

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07. marec 2025 03:53