
Kráľovská rodina sa rozrastá. Vojvodkyňa Kate údajne nosí pod srdcom ďalšie bábätko

22.09.2019, 15:00
Informáciu o tom, že by mala byť Kate Middleton opäť v radostnom očakávaní, priniesli viaceré britské média.

Vojvodkyňa Kate si prítomnosť detí užívala už pred tým, ako sa stala mamou. Na charitatívnych akciách mala podľa viacerých prítomných silný vzťah k deťom, a tak nikto nepochyboval o tom, že by vojvodkyňa jedného dňa chcela mať veľkú rodinu. 

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To further her research and engagement with the Early Years sector, The Duchess of Cambridge visited Sunshine House Children and Young People’s Health and Development Centre to meet with the Southwark Family Nurse Partnership team and highlight the valuable work that they do. Swipe to see more about their work: 2-3. The Family Nurse Partnership (FNP) is a voluntary home visiting programme for first-time parents aged 24 and under. Parents are partnered with a specially trained family nurse who visits them regularly, from early pregnancy until their child is two. The Duchess met the team at Sunshine House to discuss the FNP programme and its impact on clients and communities, and hear more about the strategic direction and development of the programme in England. 4-5. The Duchess met mothers who have been through the FNP programme to understand how the programme has helped them and their children. The programme supports young mums to have a healthy pregnancy, improve their child's health and development, and reach their goals and aspirations. Multiple rigorous evaluations show it has a long-term positive impact on child outcomes. FNP is delivered in around 70 areas across England and each local team is made up of specially trained family nurse supervisors, family nurses, and quality support officers. 6-7. FNP in Southwark is delivered by Evelina London, of which The Duchess is Patron. As part of Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, Evelina London is a major children’s hospital and provider of community services. From health visitors and school nurses to specialist treatment for children with long-term health conditions, Evelina London’s community services care for children and families across the boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark — thank you to everyone that came out to greet The Duchess of Cambridge today! ? Kensington Palace / PA

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal),

Podľa odborníčky na kráľovskú rodinu, ktorá v minulosti predpovedala tehotenstvo Kate, je obľúbená vojvodkyňa opäť tehotná. Okrem toho, že si zrušila takmer všetky pracovné cesty a na akciách sa zúčastňuje zriedkakedy, sa totiž odhodlala aj na malú zmenu - dala si zosvetliť vlasy. 

Na prvý pohľad banálny krok však má pre Kate Middleton symboliku. Svoj štýl totiž menila pri každom tehotenstve - napríklad pri očakávaní prvého synčeka Georgea si svoje vlasy začala natáčať do povestných vĺn, pri princovi Louisovi sa zasa nechala ostrihať. To, či to je naozaj pravda však uvidíme až o pár mesiacov.  

Elementy ženy: Marián Hornyák

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31. marec 2025 22:55